Yule 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Due to the rain, we held our annual open Solstice ritual in the basement of the Little Old Bookshop in Whittier. We focused on the new year coming, and calling the light back to return to us, which seems especially applicable due to all of the rain we are getting. Of course, living in southern California, we need it- I can just imagine it making the soil of my future garden very happy! But, we aren’t used to getting this much rain, all in a row.

Anyway, we had a great wine, and stayed up until all hours of the night, eating yums, and drinking wine- talking about everything from our future, to politics and prank calls. What a fun way to end our official open solstice evening. This evening, we are getting together to celebrate the moon and the actual solstice with wine and fellowship. Blessed be!
Also, we will be opening to new dedicants this spring. If you are interested in our coven, please check out our website (that links to our blog) or our November 2009 archive , fill out the dedicant petition, located here and send to me (Ivy) at barefootwitch@gmail.com.