Ritual Gathering Dos and Don’ts

Monday, December 19, 2011

Here's a quick and easy list of ritual circle/ gathering etiquette. This may help those new to the craft, or new to group ritual situations. Blessed be!

  • Arrive on time. If you are unable to make the circle, notify your host if they think you will be attending
  • Ask questions before the circle if you have any
  • Dress appropriately
  • Try to follow along with the hosting groups ritual actions as best you can – usually much will be explained beforehand
  • Repeat whenever someone says “blessed be” or “so mote it be” (usually)
  • Ask one of the coven members for help if you feel ill during the circle
  • Participate to the best of your ability
  • Ground and center and do your best to get in a ritual mindset
  • Be polite and appreciative- your hosts have put a lot of work into the ritual- especially if they aren’t asking for donations, at least be polite and appreciative
  • Bring what is asked of you- if it’s potluck, bring a dish, if it’s a donation, bring a donation
  • Walk deosil (clockwise) within the circle whenever possible

  • Let your issues with another guest flavor the event- keep your drama to yourself
  • Pick up, touch, or move something on the altar that isn’t handed to you, unless you are instructed to do so
  • Break the circle- don’t put anything outside of the circle once it’s been cast, nor move in and out of the circle
  • Speak out of turn once the ritual has begun- laughs are fine when appropriate, but don’t have conversations
  • Be disrespectful to your hosts or other guests
  • Leave your cell phone one, or bring it into circle
  • Bring guests, unless you check with your hosts, first
  • Enter the circle drunk or high
  • Bring your children, if you haven’t cleared it with your hosts
  • Ask questions about the ritual, during the ritual
  • Take photographs during the ritual, unless you’ve cleared it with your hosts
  • Cut a door in the circle yourself- speak with one of your hosts if you need to leave the circle. You most likely won’t be readmitted.