Evoking the Excrementals

Monday, October 24, 2005
Saturday was very interesting... Ligeiya lives in the BEST out-in-the-country area. We got there a little after 10am, and played with her dogs for a while before getting down to business. One of her puppies wanted to come home with me... I just KNOW it.

Anywho, we get outside and notice the poop. Now, I saw a few random donkeys on the corner and wondered why the owner hadn't tied them up. Turns out thats because there IS no owner! They have stray burros! So, I took the poop patrol, and started shoveling it into a big pile. Ligeiya and Dominique started hoeing and raking the area. I think it was Dominique who made the remark about evoking the excrementals. It was funny.

Ligeiya's hubby got the riding mower running a little bit so that totally helped- until it died. Then he got the plow hooked up to his truck. It was great. I wish I would have remembered my camera.

Anyway, we plotted out the general ritual space a little bit. Samhain is going to be great!